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Removing water damaged plaster panel.

Determining the level of deteriorated substrate that needs to be repaired.

Applying paint remover and a plastic sheet barrier.

Using soft tools to remove detached paint layers.

Showing the large scale of stubborn paint removal.

Revealing lost details due to many layers of trapped paint.

Restoring detail and discovering various paint colors applied over the years.

Removing rotted wire lath.

Securing new wire lath to framing.

Drilling holes to install mechanical fasteners on loose panels.

Scratch coat applied over the new wire lath.

Fasteners installed, cracks dug out making ready for infill.

Applying acrylic bonding agent to cracks.

Showing the scale of the repair and the layout of the panels..

Creating a mold of a good original panel using a wooden form to hold the molding rubber in place.

Wooden form is removed from the ceiling. The rubber mold is ready for new plaster castings to be poured.

A successful casting of a new plaster panel.

Scoring the back of the panel to prepare for installation.

Plaster ribs will hold the panel in proper alignment.

Filling the seams between the new panels and the original ceiling with lime and gauging plaster.

Blending the new panel with the original ceiling by hand tooling the vine details.

Finished plaster repairs ready for primer and paint.