Poland Spring Chapel of Souls Slide Show Click on an image to start the slide show and learn more about this project. This landmark’s years of service were beginning to take their toll. A before picture of the plaster restoration in the Chapel of Souls in Poland Spring, Maine.The interior plaster was applied directly over the masonry in this stone church.Completed plaster restoration of a window well in the Chapel. The lighter area is the new plaster infill prior to painting.Some badly damaged plaster at a lighting column. This shows the thee-coat original system: the first brown scratch coat, the middle brown coat and a topcoat of lime plaster.Peter applies a new brown coat of lime, sand and hair plaster over the original basecoat. The pink is bonding agent that has been applied so the plaster will adhere.Peter softens the infill area with a damp sponge to further blend it into the original plaster.Completed restoration of the lighting column.In preparation for repairs and plaster infill, the plaster that was too fragile was removed. Here the original scratch coat is revealed and the area is ready to receive a new topcoat of plaster.Craig is applying a new coat of plaster to the window sill. The patches on the sides, ready for infill, are pink with bonding agent so the new topcoat will adhere to the older surface.All repairs and infill on this window are complete. The darker patches are areas where the plaster is still wet and setting up.The completed window restoration receives a new coat of paint.The completed window restoration receives a new coat of paint.