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Before restoration; showing damaged column in the ballroom entryway.

Before restoration; entranceway area is protected.

Before restoration; raking angle showing surface damage from fire and old repairs.

Before restoration, showing elements in need of stripping and cosmetic repair.

Carefully removing paint stripper using special tools to reveal the detail of the original bare plaster.

Carefully removing paint stripper using special tools to reveal the detail of the original bare plaster.

Carefully removing paint stripper using special tools to reveal the detail of the original bare plaster.

Carefully removing paint stripper using special tools to reveal the detail of the original bare plaster.

Washing the paint stripping residue off the bare plaster revealing damage and the original color scheme.

Column capital cleaned, washed and ready for repairs. The black is charring from the fire.

Column capital cleaned, washed and ready for repairs. The black is charring from the fire.

Facial relief cleaned, washed and ready for repairs. The black is charring from the fire.

Paint stripping reveals previous failed repairs and lost details.

Cutting out the middle band that lost its detail and integrity from fire damage.

Carefully taking apart crown molding to duplicate elements.

Replacing original detail. Final attachment to substrate.

Fire damaged original section being resurfaced with hand tool made from savable profile.

Fire damaged original section being resurfaced with hand tool made from savable profile.

Recreating missing detail in cornucopia relief.

Replacing details of facial relief

Repairs complete and ready for paint.

Repairs complete and ready for paint.

Band molding being run in place with a custom made molding knife.

Repairs complete and ready for paint.

Repairs complete and ready for paint.

Resurfacing column with lime and gypsum top coat using a custom tool.

Progressing down the column. The blue is bonding agent.

Final application and blending of top coat.

Completed column capital.

Column capital and spiral complete and ready for paint.

Capital completed and painted.

Entryway relief completed and painted.

Entryway relief completed and painted.

Entryway band molding completed and painted.

Entryway completed and painted.

Grand Ballroom entryway restoration complete.